Thanksgiving Bouquet
Crop: Corn (Zea mays)
Use/Type: Popcorn
Breeder: Glenn Drowns Sand Hill Preservation Center
OSSI Pledge Date: 11/29/2015
Release Date: 11/29/2015
Bred for Organic Systems: No
Commercial Availability: Yes
Variety Type: Finished Variety
“110 days – An ornamental popcorn of my own selection which also has very good flavor. I’ve always been fascinated by the genetics of brown kernel color in corn and how many ways the brown gene can express itself. This was named because I think of browns and related shades at Thanksgiving time. To get the full complement of brown shades, not all ears will turn out brown. The remainder will be very colorful nonetheless. Plants are 7 feet tall, 2 ears per stalk, and the ears are 6 to 7 inches long. Sand Hill Preservation Center introduction in 2005.”
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