South Anna Butternut
Crop: Squash (Cucurbita moschata)
Use/Type: Winter
Breeder: Edmund Frost Commonwealth Seed Growers
OSSI Pledge Date: 2/14/2016
Release Date: 2/14/2016
Bred for Organic Systems: Yes
Commercial Availability: Yes
Variety Type: Finished Variety
“Cucurbita moschata (Twin Oaks Seed Farm, Certified Organic by QCS) South Anna is a new Downy Mildew resistant butternut developed from a cross between Seminole Pumpkin and Waltham butternut. Edmund Frost made the cross in 2011 and has been working on it each year since, intensively selecting for Downy Mildew resistance, productivity, eating quality, brix, dry matter, keeping quality, and butternut shape. This is F7 seed (the seventh generation after the cross). While selection work will continue through 2018 and 2019, the progress made to date is exciting. Expect 95% butternut-shaped fruits, with good productivity, Downy Mildew resistance, rich sweet flavor, and very good keeping quality. Immature fruits vary between light and dark green in color (most immature butternuts are light green). The dark green ones take longer to turn fully tan, but when they do you can be sure that they are ripe. South Anna will avoid the crop failure that can occur in years when Downy Mildew comes early, and provide higher yields in years with average DM pressure. The healthier foliage also leads to better fruit quality, with sweeter, riper fruits of a rich tan color. When used as a late planting, South Anna grows strong until frost, allowing for later harvests that will keep better into the winter and spring. ”
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