Crop: Pepper (Capsicum annuum)
Use/Type: Standard
Breeder: Roberta Bailey Fedco Seeds, Seven Tree Farm
OSSI Pledge Date:
Release Date:
Bred for Organic Systems: Yes
Commercial Availability: Yes
Variety Type: Finished Variety
“Bred for Organic Systems. A product of many years of dedicated breeding work to create an open-pollinated selection of the hybrid Super Chili. Parents include Hungarian Hot Wax and Hot Banana. The squat plants bear prolific upright fruit, averaging 2″” long, 1/3″” across and ripening from pale green to deep scarlet. Like Super Chili, they bear well in cold damp weather, hot dry weather, sandy soils and heavy clay. They have plenty of heat and the characteristic finely cut lightweight leaves of many hot peppers. Can be potted and overwintered. Now fully stable. As one customer put it, “All of my Matchboxes were extremely stable, infinitely much more so than me.””
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