Crop: Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
Use/Type: Dwarf
Breeder: Dwarf Tomato Dwarf Tomato Project
OSSI Pledge Date: 1/27/2017
Release Date: 1/27/2017
Bred for Organic Systems: Yes
Commercial Availability: Yes
Variety Type: Finished Variety
Maralinga originated from a cross between Wilpena and Cherokee Purple in 2008 made by Patrina Nuske Small named Plentiful F1. Maralinga is a mid-season rugose regular leaf dwarf that produces prolific medium-large 6 – 10oz oblate rich brown tomatoes with meaty purple-red interiors. Maralinga is a region in the arid north of South Australia where atom bomb tests carried out for the British in the 1950s displaced the local indigenous population and ruined their land with radiation fallout. This is a memorial to them. Plants reach around a metre+ / 3-4 ft by end of season and need staking due to weight of fruit. This variety was selected and named by Patrina.
Availability from OSSI Seed Company Partners