Dwarf Amy’s Ohio
Crop: Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
Breeder: Dwarf Tomato Dwarf Tomato Project
OSSI Pledge Date: 2020
Release Date: 2020
Bred for Organic Systems: Yes
Commercial Availability: Yes
Stability: Finished Variety
“80 days, dwarf — The rugose, regular leaf plants of ‘Dwarf Amy’s Ohio’ produce lots of medium sized, globe to oblate shaped fruit that average about three ounces, but can reach ten ounces. They are a green tomato that are yellow skinned with green flesh when fully ripe, delivering a well-balanced, slightly sweet flavor. Developed by members of the “”Dwarf Tomato Project,”” ‘Dwarf Amy’s Ohio’ was selected from the “”Dainty”” family and named by Susan Oliverson. Along with key contributor Susan Oliverson, Craig LeHoullier also participated in the development of the variety, with Bill Minkey producing the final selection. “
Source: https://www.victoryseeds.com/tomato_dwarf-amys-ohio.html
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