Crop: Squash (Cucurbita pepo)
Use/Type: Summer
Breeder: Rowan The Garden Larder
OSSI Pledge Date: 5/14/2017
Release Date: 5/14/2017
Bred for Organic Systems: Yes
Commercial Availability: Yes
Variety Type: Finished Variety
Caesar is a blocky fruited zucchini with large upright leaves that protect the tender skinned fruit from hot sun and sunburn. The fruit has medium green skin, is slightly ribbed, and the flesh is medium firm and can be used in any way you would use zucchini. It is sweet when very small but the mild but nutty flavour really comes out at around 20cm or so and before the seeds start to harden. The plant itself is a large bush but will often put out a short runner or two after the first flush of fruit. It is not as productive as commercial varieties but a couple of plants should provide enough zucchinis for most households. The leaves and stem are prickly. This variety was selected to cope with hot summers but is also quick to start and grow in the cool of spring. Disease resistance is unknown at this stage.
Availability from OSSI Seed Company Partners