Crop: Garlic (Allium sativum)
Use/Type: Standard
Breeder: Avram Drucker Garlicana
OSSI Pledge Date: 11/12/2019
Release Date: 11/12/2019
Bred for Organic Systems: Yes
Commercial Availability: Yes
Variety Type: Finished Variety
Anarres ❧ (S13 Kish1) Named for the fictional planet in Ursula LeGuin’s The Dispossessed, this garlic is vigorous enough to survive in difficult conditions with less than fertile soil. Of the first generation progeny of Kishlyk, this one has the darkest green, most upright, fibrous leaves. Large bulbs with 8-12 cloves, more symmetrically configured than its parent, it has complex flavor and a good bite without being searingly spicy or bitter. A solid TGS producer, progeny of Anarres is currently being grown out.
Availability from OSSI Seed Company Partners