Gregg Muller

Organization: Useful Seeds

Location: Bendigo, Victoria Australia


Gregg has grown vegetables since childhood. Participation in the Dwarf Tomato Project in 2009 sparked his interest in vegetable breeding, and fuelled by Carol Deppeā€™s books his gardens have expanded and are now almost exclusively devoted to trialling the results of his too-numerous vegetable breeding projects. The difficulties associated with importing many vegetable seeds into Australia has inspired him to develop local varieties and maintain varieties not generally available here. His current projects are focused on snow and snap peas, carrots, melons, perennial onions and leeks, favas (broad beans) and parsnips. While pursuing traits suited to the needs of backyard gardeners and the variable but dry climate and poor soils of central Victoria, curiosity, quirkiness and fun are also driving forces. When not teaching natural history at La Trobe University he keeps trying to grow too many tomatoes. His breeding efforts and selected open pollinated varieties are available through

OSSI Pledged Varieties by Gregg Muller

Joni's Taxi
Snow Pea

Joni’s Taxi

Snow Pea
