Harmony Synthetic Composite

Crop: Corn (Zea mays)

Use/Type: Mixed

Breeder: Joseph Lofthouse

OSSI Pledge Date: 10/16/2015

Release Date: 10/16/2015

Bred for Organic Systems: Yes

Commercial Availability: Yes

Variety Type: Finished Variety


“A union between a hybrid swarm of North American grain corns and a synthetic composite of 6 races of South American grain corns: Tuxpeno, Coastal Tropical Flint-Dent, Southern Cateto, Cuzco, Coroico, and high altitude Andean. Harmony was developed to reunite various races of corn and to create a strong genetic base from which to conduct plant selection and breeding. Contains flint, dent, flour, and sweet corn. Adapted to temperate growing conditions. Not day-length sensitive. About 85 to 115 DTM. One of the most exciting traits offered by this corn is high concentrations of carotenes. I speculate that this improves the nutritional content of the corn: Especially for poultry.”

Availability from OSSI Seed Company Partners

  • Joseph Lofthouse