Dwarf Buddy’s Heart

Crop: Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

Breeder: Dwarf Tomato Dwarf Tomato Project

OSSI Pledge Date: 1/1/2021

Release Date: 2021

Bred for Organic Systems: Yes

Commercial Availability: Yes

Stability: Finished Variety

Source: https://www.victoryseeds.com/tomato_dwarf-buddys-heart.html


80 days, dwarf — The rugose, regular leaf plants of ‘Dwarf Buddy’s Heart’ produce scarlet-red colored, heart shaped, medium sized, very meaty fruit. They have a rich, balanced flavor whose texture makes it particularly suited for sauce preparations.

Named for his beloved chocolate lab Buddy, Craig LeHoullier selected and named the variety while working with the “Speckly” family. Many Dwarf Tomato Project volunteers had a hand in its development, including Nancy Ruhl, Susan Oliverson, David Robinson, Mickey Pasco-Powell, Paul Fish, Jared Scoville and Bill Minkey.

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Dwarf Buddy's Heart tomato